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Dr. Jennifer Godman is a North Carolina native, lifelong horse owner, rider, and a passionate equine veterinarian.  She obtained her undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University and her veterinary degree from the University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine in Scotland. Following vet school, Dr. Godman completed a one-year hospital internship with Peterson Smith Equine Hospital + Complete Care and a six-month Equine Internal Medicine Fellowship with Hagyard Equine Medical Institute in Lexington, Kentucky. This led to a three-year Residency in Equine Emergency & Critical Care at The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center. Her clinical research focus was emergency abdominal surgery and laminitis. Following her residency, she worked in private practice for 4 years providing Elective & Emergency Surgery, Internal Medicine, & Sports Medicine Services to North Florida.  Always trying to advance her knowledge and training to provide the utmost patient care, Dr. Godman completed the Equine Veterinary Medical Manipulation (Chiropractor) course and Acupuncture certification at the Chi Institute where she fell in love with Integrative Medicine.  In early 2020, she moved back to North Carolina and has worked both at home and throughout the USA treating many top level performance horses. The results of adding integrative therapy to traditional sports medicine has led to the establishment of Integrative Veterinary Medical Solutions in 2021 with the focus on the equine athlete. 

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By Dr. Godman


Master of Science: Veterinary Clinical Sciences 2013-2016 Residency & Combined Master’s Program Equine Emergency & Critical Care

Thesis: “The effect of hypothermia on influx of mononuclear cells in the digital lamellae of horses with oligofructose-induced laminitis” 

The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center


Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. 2021 Sep;31(5)601-607.  Equine Inflammatory Response to Abdominal Surgery in the Absence of Gastrointestinal Disease. Charles Bowlby, Margaret Mudge, Eric Shroeder, Jennifer Godman, Samuel Hurcombe. 

Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. 2018 February; Vol 20(1):64-72. Double outlet right ventricle with subpulmonary ventricular septal defect (Taussig-Bing anomaly) and other complex congenital cardiac malformations in an American Quarter Horse foal. Rebecca Kohnken, Karsten Schober, Jennifer Godman, Alison Gardner, Tiffany Jenkins, Eric Schroeder, Peter Baker, Laura Dunbar. 

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 2016 October;Vol 178:22-28.  The effect of hypothermia on influx of leukocytes in the digital lamellae of horses with oligofructose-induced lamintis.  Jennifer D. Godman, Teresa A. Burns, Carlin S. Kelly, Mauria R. Watts, Britta D. Leise, Eric L. Schroeder, Andrew W. van Eps, James K. Belknap.


CLINICOPATHOLOGIC RESPONSES TO EXPERIMENTAL ABDOMINAL SURGERY IN HORSES. A. Shore, J. Godman, T. Burns, and M. Mudge. The Ohio State University, Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Advances in Veterinary Medicine Research Day, The Ohio State University, April 2015. 

JVECC Vol 25(4); S16. Godman J, Burns T, Watts M, Kelly C, Leise B, Belknap J. The effect of cryotherapy on influx of mononuclear cells in the digital lamellae of horses with oligofructose-induced laminitis. IVECCS September 2015 Washington D.C. 

THE EFFECT OF HYPOTHERMIA ON INFLUX OF MONONUCLEAR CELLS IN THE DIGITAL LAMELLAE OF HORSES WITH OLIGOFRUCTOSE-INDUCED LAMINITIS. J.D. Godman1, T.A. Burns1, C.S. Kelly1, M. Watts1, B.S. Leise 2, E.L. Schroeder1, A.W. van Eps3, J.K. Belknap1 1. The Ohio State University, Columbus OH, 2. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 3. The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Advances in Veterinary Medicine Research Day, The Ohio State University, April 2016.

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